Risk Management
The Ibercaja Banco Group's risk management is based on the following strategic principles:
- Maintain a medium-low Group risk profile, while achieving profitability, liquidity and solvency objectives and maintaining prudent limits to exposures vulnerable to climate and environmental risks.
- Comply at all times with regulatory requirements.
- Maintain effective risk governance that is led by the Board of Directors and senior management and extends to all areas involved.
- Promote a risk culture and facilitate a better understanding by the organization of the level and nature of the risks to which it is exposed.
- To ensure the confidence of customers, investors, employees, suppliers and other agents.

Governance and organization: The Ibercaja Group has a strong organizational structure that ensures effective risk management and control. The governance structure provides the appropriate communication channels to transmit information and decisions to all levels of the organization.
For further details, see Note 3.4 Governance Model of the Consolidated Financial Statements.

- Risk Appetite Framework: The Group's risk management is organized through the Risk Appetite Framework (RAF), a tool whose main objective is to establish a set of principles, procedures, controls and systems through which the Group's risk appetite is defined, communicated and monitored, understood as the level or profile of risk that the Ibercaja Group is willing to assume and maintain, both in terms of its type and amount, as well as its level of tolerance, and must be oriented towards achieving the objectives of the strategic plan, in accordance with the lines of action established therein.
- Capital and liquidity self-assessment (ICAAP & ILAAP): the capital and liquidity self-assessment processes (ICAAP & ILAAP) seek to provide certainty about the risks to which the Entity is or may be exposed and the Entity's ability to remain viable, maintaining an adequate level of capitalization and liquidity and managing its risks effectively.
- Recovery plan: this document responds to the requirement of Directive 2014/59/EU of May 15, 2014, on the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms, providing a detailed overview of the Bank, through an analysis of its main business lines and critical economic functions and identifying the set of recovery indicators that will be periodically monitored to anticipate possible situations of severe stress.
- Risk catalog: description of the material risks identified in the Risk Appetite Framework, with annual review.